HELIOSS - Contre ma lumière - SAT345
Release date: 01.11.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Black metal
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The second full-length by the Russian DSBM band from Novosibirsk recorded back in 2020. The band still follows the path chosen on its debut titled "9 Dney" (9 Days), however the addition of new elements makes the description of it is music a difficult task. The lyrics became more painful and insane, dragging listeners into the abyss of depressive states experienced by the narrator. It is also noteworthy that the band uses less Black Metal and DSBM techniques, but at the same time the atmosphere of the album is extremely oppressive and exhausting, while the booklet designed in the shades of gray reveals and complements the musical and lyrical concept even further.
Release date: 20.08.2024 | Format: (CD) | Genre: Post Black, Depressive Black metal
Release date: 01.11.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Black metal
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Release date: 01.11.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: heavy/ thrash metal
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Release date: 23.10.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Black metal
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Release date: 15.10.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: melodic heavy metal
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Release date: 02.10.2024
Format: (CD)
Status: (available)
Genre: Pagan folk metal
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