INFECTED FLESH – the band from Tomsk (an old Siberian city of Russia) is formed back in 1991 under the name of Phantasm. Line-up changes in the end of 1991 resulted in renaming of the band. INFECTED FLESH becomes the first band in Tomsk preaching such extreme metal genres like death, grindcore and death/doom metal. The band plays its first shows in early 1992, but breaks up in 1993. In 2010 two former members of the band decide to record the material composed in 1992. Meanwhile in November of 2010 the band finds a bassist (ex-TRUPNYE CHERVI, THE KRYSHA), and in March of 2011 a guitarist (ex-THE THE KRYSHA) also joins the club. The complete line-up gives INFECTED FLESH an opportunity to return to the stage and the band postpones the recording of a debut once again. Apart from the bassist change in 2012 this line-up has remained stable and active to the present day.
Line up:
- Aleksandr Bobrikov - guitars, vocals;
- Dvornichenko Vladimir - guitars;
- Krivosheev Grigorij - bass;
- Karelin Dmitrij - drums, vocals.
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