Azaab is a 5-piece death metal band based in Islamabad, Pakistan. The band was formed in 2016 out of love for both old school and modern death metal. However, the core of the band has known each other for many years with members playing together in various projects. Having written a heap of material, Shahab Khan (guitars) called upon his old bandmates Waqar and Afraz to take on bass and guitar duties respectively. Being the only Death Metal vocalist around at the time it was a no brainer for Saad to join the band as the front man. After writing an albums worth of music Shahab and Afraz decided to enlist Indonesian drummer, Adhytia Perkasa from legendary act SiksaKubur to record drums for the album, adding Southeast Asian aggression and flair to the music.
Line up:
- Shahab Khan - guitars;
- Afraz Mamoon - guitars;
- Saad Latif - vocals;
- Waqar Ghayas - bass;
- Adhytia Perkasa - drums.
- Bobby Koelble (ex-Death) - lead guitars (track 5);
- Phil Tougas (First Fragment) - lead guitars (track 6);
- Nick Mkhl (Brutal Sphere) - vocals (track 2);
- Aissam El Hassani (Vile Utopia) - vocals (2).
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